
About WeLikeArtists.com

The images in this portfolio are ones we have used on the WeLikeArtists.com site to illustrate items or make a point. We thought it was a good idea to use them as a way of testing out the Crevado Portfolio system and, have to say, it was fast, simple and painless to upload them and get them in the order we wanted.

A great facility for anyone who needs a professional web 'presence' for free!

While we have your attention here is a little about WeLikeArtists:

We have a very simple philosophy

We want to save you money and, at the same time, help you present yourself professionally.

Whether you are an emerging artist, already established, just graduated or currently a student - you deserve MORE for less. You deserve to present what you do professionally without it costing you more of a fortune than it already does.

We do two things

1 find you deals which will save you money and time.

2 publish practical advice to help you be even more professional.

We know it is hard enough just making the work let alone showing it, promoting it, selling it and all the other ‘stuff’ you have to do to be noticed professionally.

What we do is simple - there are lots of offers out there and great deals to save you a bundle - we find them and then tell you about them so you can save too.

We like FREE




We like to HELP.

Come and visit us sometime: www.WeLikeArtists.com